
No adults


I don't think I will be warblogging. Part of me wants to quit my job and report, opine, and highlight various things in the world today, especially big things like Russia invading Ukraine. 

But as we've seen, there is a lot of propaganda/fake news coming out daily, specifically designed to manipulate you. That is nothing new, and perhaps one of the few good things about this is how fast and clearly the propaganda is being debunked and shown for what it is. That is new. It should really give one pause when thinking about how things are really going over there.

I am rooting for Ukraine, and all nations should have an unimpeded right of self-determination and generally not be invaded. But I also understand how Russia would be freaking out about having a potential NATO member on their doorstep. It's like the adults in the world are AWOL. Things should have never gotten this far.

But they have and way too many people think it's fine to escalate and do whatever it takes to shut down Russia. Where are the adults? Seriously, where the hell are the adults? I hope it doesn't turn into that. You don't fight an injured and nuclear-armed bear into a corner and expect it to behave.

Edited to add: I understand Russia has an aggressive and oppressive history, particularly with regard to Eastern Europe. Russia is definitely not a benevolent actor in geopolitics and deserves to be humbled. But that doesn't mean we need another world war right now.

Update: We must protect the fragile Biden admin at all costs:

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