
Unrest in the FDA


This Biden administration is going swimmingly:

FDA officials are scrambling to collect and analyze data that clearly demonstrate the boosters' benefits before the administration’s Sept. 20 deadline for rolling them out to most adults. Many outside experts, and some within the agency, see uncomfortable similarities between the Biden team's top-down booster plan and former President Donald Trump's attempts to goad FDA into accelerating its initial authorization process for Covid-19 vaccines and push through unproven virus treatments. 

On Tuesday, two top FDA vaccine regulators resigned — a decision that one former official said was rooted in anger over the agency’s lack of autonomy in the booster planning so far.

I don't find this shocking or even all that interesting. But I will say I'm happy to rub it in the faces of the other side, since these are the rules by which we play. It's not so much partisanship as it is a zeal for facilitating cognitive dissonance and karma in response to ideological hubris. Tomato tomahto.

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