
Lol China


 Via mostly leftwing site HotAir, I saw this:

I am so well-trained by our diversity police that the first thing I noticed is there are no women pictured. I'd be very surprised if a woman even had a significant role in this Chinese propaganda film. Does China have female doctors? (Yes, but good luck finding any statistics, let alone credible statistics).

But more importantly, I began to think about that Chinese doctor, Li Wenliang, who blew the whistle on China, and died shortly after from the virus. Any chance he'll be in the movie? Don't hold your breath.

And lastly, from the HotAir post, Allahpundit raised an excellent point about the NIH removing data upon the request of a Chinese scientist:

Erasing material that’s already been published is considered unethical on a *blog* ... At the federal government’s top public health agency, though, it seems they follow a “memory hole” policy. In the unlikely event that the Chinese researcher who submitted the early Wuhan data was telling the truth about updated genomic sequences being posted to a new database, the original data should have been left up with a note indicating that it was outdated and directing users to that database. Allowing scientists, especially scientists from totalitarian countries, to remove information after the fact is all but inviting them to make NIH complicit in their cover-ups.

Emphasis mine. I see the NIH is competing with the FBI for most incompetent/corrupt bureaucracy. That memory hole policy is looking sharp right now. Now you know why governments across the world are slow-walking their embrace of blockchain, they can't destroy evidence (China however, is leading by example of how to get your totalitarian blockchain on).

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