
Printer buying sucks


I swear I've spent dozens of hours, quite possibly more, searching for a printer that doesn't suck. You can't trust Amazon because everything has 4.5 stars. Just really, they expect us to believe everything is near perfect? I know all reasonably-priced printers have a general suckiness to them so I don't expect perfection, just a tolerable amount of headaches with a mostly functional all-in-one printer that will last a good while and not cost too much in refills. I don't think that's asking too much, maybe.

You'll go crazy trying to sift through all the reviews: "is this guy technologically impaired, should I discount his review? Is this other glowing review even from a real person? This lady seems to have received the printer from hell and lost her family, dog, & went bankrupt as a result of of her purchase... hmm. This other review says it's perfect except for a crucial functionality I very much want." Oh my god.

Okay, so maybe that's typical for reasonably-priced printers. I'll go look at the higher-end stuff. And nope, the reviews are just as bad and mixed and stupid.

So I think I finally found something. Mostly because I gave up and partly because it has slightly fewer bad and stupid reviews. But I'm still angry because a recent video review I found for the same printer showed the price was about $50 cheaper than what it is currently listed for. WHYYYY?!?!

If only Amazon had a competitor that didn't promote bullshit reviews, bullshit scores, and didn't consistently hawk horrible garbage from China. 


Update: I'm still not done. At the last second I decided to look around a bit more. Discovered the seller for the printer I decided on was awful (besides significantly raising the price for a somewhat older model, they offered terrible and curt replies to many angry customers). The good news is I think I've found something else.

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