
Let them eat cake, and punish those who dont


The establishment response to the recent unrest (only right-leaning unrest of course) is to demand justice, make more laws prohibiting and making it more difficult to be in a state of unrest, despite them being largely responsible for the underlying cause of said unrest.

'They were a riotous mob, insurrectionists, domestic terrorists. It's that basic. It's that simple,' Biden said during an event in Wilmington, Delaware, to introduce his nominees to lead the Justice Department. 'And I wish we could say we couldn't see it coming, but that's not true. We could see it coming.'

My pessimism and familiarity with the demagoguery of Democrats leads me to believe Biden meant this as the false narrative-driven stereotypical knee-jerk assumption about right-wing protesters--that they are violent, backwards cavemen. As in caveman hate change, him smash Capitol! Whereas lefty protestors are peaceful by default, even when not.

But we non-idiots could also see it coming. Since the 4 year long hate & smear fest on Orange Man, since the hand-waving away of violent antifa riots, the perpetual lock down and earning a living became evil, since questioning a questionable election became taboo, since "deplorables."

Mr. Biden has said he plans to make a priority of passing a law against domestic terrorism, and he has been urged to create a White House post overseeing the fight against ideologically inspired violent extremists and increasing funding to combat them. (via Instapundit)

I think a bit more sensitivity and understanding, especially in the early aftermath of a pandemic, and psycho political shitstorm of the last 4 years, rather than finger wagging, can go a long way towards "unity" and healing.

But no, the left is set in their ways. "Let them eat cake!" they will shout. And if we complain about the non-existent cake, get deplatformed and maybe go to jail. Hyperbolic? I'm just following their lead, and only barely.

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