
Polarizing effect of social media algorithms


Have you noticed this? You try to get some outside opinions, a healthy take from sources outside your circles and challenge your ideas. But the recommended videos, tweets, and social media bites--all tailored to your worldview--incessantly steer you back into your bubble.

This is very unhealthy if one desires to be somewhat well-rounded and knowledgeable, have a civil democratic republic where ideas are thoughtfully considered and debated prior to acting on anything important, let alone something emotionally-charged. 

I've got to start using my bookmarks more frequently and find more diverse commentary. I feel like I cannot relate to a comment-posting-Biden voter, even though I work and communicate with many Biden voters on a regular basis. 

I feel like I get and understand the average American about most things, but I'm mostly at a loss understanding why many of them vote for Democrats, barring the likely case where their parents did and they never thought about it much. And maybe because the Republican base is excessively portrayed as ultra-conservative, racist cavemen (and I get there's a lot of Trump hatred). But that shouldn't account for roughly half the country--at least I really hope not.

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