
(Forever) covid surveillance


I'm increasingly a fan of Michael Tracey's work. He seems to be a center-left journalist with a hint of a libertarian streak.

His latest is solid gold. I want to quote everything and put <strong> and <em> tags around all of it. But I cannot, so here's a taste. Read the whole thing.

Vaccination was never the gateway to normalcy it was presented to be, and the only option is apparently to instate “Permanent Emergency” protocols with no cognizable “off-ramp” in sight, as a Duke University “expert” helpfully conceded this week. Reneging on these prior assurances is portrayed as some inherently unavoidable fait accompli, rather than a conscious policy choice undertaken to the exclusion of other vastly more sensible options. Choosing another option would mean re-assessing the underlying logic of constantly surveilling a 99% vaccinated population of healthy young adults with these increasingly dubious “tests,” and gathering their private data so as to opine about the permissibility of their social activities.

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