
Obama's 60th birthday


Quite the celebration. 475 people in attendance, most of which appeared to be maskless. Didn't our betters just recently advise everybody to start wearing masks again? 

As Glenn Reynold's says: I'll believe it's a crisis when the people who keep telling me it's a crisis start acting like it's a crisis. At least they took a Covid test:

Actor George Clooney, director Steven Spielberg and talk-show host Oprah Winfrey were among the 475 people who received invitations to the celebration, where the band Pearl Jam played and where all the invited guests had to undergo a Covid test before attending, according to US media.

The NY Post and RollingOut have the leaked photos (and one video). I didn't see a single person wearing a mask. I wonder if they asked the invitees for their "vaccine papers, please"?

If this was pre-China's negligent virus outbreak ("allegedly"), I honestly wouldn't care and would wish the not-very-good former president a happy 60th. But it's a Wokescold world today and the normies, the flyover neanderthals, and everyone not sufficiently signalling their wokeness is incessantly harangued about the impending doom of Covid, white-supremacy, racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. ad nauseam, because we're apparently not doing nearly enough about everything.

In a just world, the hypocrites would've lost any claim to influence and power long ago. While their words mean next to nothing to me, they still, somehow, manage to keep getting elected, and we have to keep eating their shit-sandwiches. But we don't have to pretend it's delicious. It's a fucking shit-sandwich.

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