Every human has that right. They just have to claim and defend it.
The lock-downs and draconian measures taking place in New South Wales in particular and Australia in general are beyond absurd. I honestly don't know how the people tolerate it, nor how the tyrants have enough temerity to attempt it. Covid isn't going away any time soon and ridding the populace of their pesky freedoms indefinitely will not only amount to a significant loss of mental & economic well-being, but it is a recipe for potentially more death and destruction than the disease itself--especially if the government keeps overreacting.
Dear Australians, if you want to support the protests, but are not able to attend, take a few hints from the BLM protesters (remember when protesting, arson, & rioting was more acceptable?):
Jail/court support: Getting arrested can be scary and exhausting; many groups often organize moral and material support for those who’ve been arrested. See if people are gathering outside the jails or courthouses to show support for protesters while they’re in, or after they come out...
Food: Can you get food to the protest area? (Don’t automatically send pizzas, though— try to find out what’s needed first.) Sometimes religious organizations who support social justice and/or who are nearby where the protest is happening will house food operations, for example.
Childcare: Do you know people who would like to go to or work on a protest, but need help taking care of their kids? Or does one of the organizing groups have a volunteer opportunity with kids?...
Get organized and support each other. Just don't let instigators make you look bad, or trespass in the nation's capitol.
It's nice to see they're not all tyrants down under: