
Financial independence: exposition


 I've already spent too much time searching for one video that partly, but meaningfully motivated me to metaphorically get off my ass and do something. I cannot find it. I did find his channel, and it is not for everyone, but check out Bushradical on YouTube

Maybe he deleted the video, but he had one where he went on this epic rant about how he could afford to buy land and build cabins. He started with very little and worked (and bought and sold) his way up to owning a lot of land and nice cabins. Mostly by spending well under his means and only buying cheap & used, but reliable stuff that most people wouldn't. If you do find that video, let me know.

Off-grid living isn't for me, at least not for my family, so I'm not going that route anytime soon. Plus I don't want to give up fiber internet and gaming. But the principles behind a lot of his videos can easily be applied to almost anyone. Essentially, spend less than you make, save money, and work towards accumulating wealth (ideally in assets that do not depreciate, and note "work" isn't just your place of employment).

But perhaps the biggest reason I am pursuing financial independence is that I am getting and feeling older. Plus working the daily grind for the man, in jobs that pay little and consistently fail to appreciate your hard and quality work, year after year really wears a person down. I am so sick of that and life would be hell if I had to do that the rest of my life (if you're good at marketing yourself, you might be able to negotiate far better jobs and raises than I--something I was not good at, but am improving upon). The rat race is an adversarial environment, and your compensation is always the least amount they can get away with. That's not a condemnation, that's the nature of commerce--who would want to pay more for something than they have to? Relatedly, I learned a lot of lessons Joshua Fluke talks about from experience, and agree with him on most things with respect to employment: a big one being company loyalty only goes one way.

I could go on, but millions of people feel similar, and I suspect everybody would like to be financially free. So back to the rat race for me, for now at least. Here are some related links that I've been looking at:







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