
My hope for the audience of Game of Thrones season 8, episode 3

GoT isn't perfect, but it has done some refreshingly different things for television, combined with usually excellent acting, cinematography, etc., it will be remembered for the high bar it set and cultural impact it had (assuming it has an ending worthy of itself), not to mention ratings.

GRRM and the writers on the show have done such a good job of killing main characters and delivering just enough surprises to keep it intellectually thrilling and realistic in a way. This method has been so rewarding that I worry the show writers may have fallen into predictability--relying on such upsets, that they no longer are surprising.
Because everybody now knows, and talks so certainly as if it already happened, that Brienne of Tarth, Greyworm, and a few others are going to die. They are not just going to die in this final season, but in the very next episode Sunday.

I'm just making my wish out loud. I hope the show surprises these arrogant speculators, not because I like these characters (I do, but they don't need fairy-tale endings). But there are other ways to negatively surprise audiences than killing, or zombifying characters whose arcs appear to have ended or hit their high point.

At this point, given the show's history, killing Brienne, Jaime, Grey Worm and/or Missandei in tomorrow's episode would not be surprising.

I'm aware there will be other surprises and lots of death, including at least a few main characters keeping in tradition with the realism of the show. But I wish the smugness of the some of the audience would be poetically rewarded with a surprise of being so, so very wrong.

I'll end this complainer of a post with a speculation of my own. Someone is going to turn on the living. It's been a while since somebody close to the "good guys" has done something bad, like really evil. The only other bad guys at this point seem to be Cersei way down south and the Night King, or those in their service. It's time to see a traitor in the North screw with things. Probably won't happen, but maybe.

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