
Capture the flag recap: 1/6


 On 1/6, a rag-tag group of protestors, instigators, cosplayers, and undercover agents in full view of the defending forces, were allowed to briefly capture the flag. After it ended, participants returned home and went on with their lives. Just kidding. 

Apparently many people think a group of weird randos occupying the capitol building grants the occupiers control, or at least potential control, of the entire country. I for one, welcomed our new cosplaying overlords. Didn't you know stale and hackneyed video game objectives are now directly applicable to real life? 

The attempted insurrection/coup/civil war 2.0 lead by captain buffalo man, was ultimately for naught. Unfortunately, the rebel team made a crucial error in strategy. When storming the opposing team's headquarters, they forgot the additional million people and military hardware needed to defend their position. Other than that small oversight, the lego-devised plan was virtually flawless.


I never once thought the 1/6 incident was even a minor threat to this country. Maybe, possibly a threat to the participants and the people in the area (tragically, one protestor was shot and killed, and an officer who died of unrelated issues). But my brain just cannot get small nor smooth enough to think a relatively small number of unarmed protestors were on the verge of threatening our government in any meaningful way (other than politically and symbolically, which is perfectly fine). 

Some of these people should be charged with trespassing, theft, destruction of property, and similar low-level charges. There is no De Jure law against offending the left or right's delicate sensibilities, even if on too many occasions the law is abused in practice.  

I expect a dramatic, sensational clown-show lead by ring-master Pelosi on these events. I don't expect fair treatment for most of those currently incarcerated and charged for their involvement that day. I expect they will be in one way or another, tarred and feathered, along with anyone who can be conceivably associated with them ideologically. 

I don't expect to know the full truth, or even most of the truth about what happened that day. I don't trust the news on this matter, nor the government in Washington D.C. I don't expect to ever trust them again. And that's too bad.

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