
The most devastating death in Game of Thrones

was of the writing in the last few episodes.

I didn't want to jump on the GoT hating bandwagon, but after season 8 episode 5, I don't really have any expectation that it will end well. It's already too late to end well.

It's all been said before, but check out r/freefolk and just scroll for days if you want to get a feel for some of the devastatingly salient criticism.

Logic, consistency, character arcs, and good dialogue have been utterly neglected or just cast aside for whatever reason. And the addition of some very odd things (too much deus ex machina for one) on top of that is rubbing salt in the wound. I don't know if it was laziness, financial considerations, stupidity or all three, but what the hell?

This is up there with LOST and Heroes.

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