Oops, That's Taft High in Taft, CA! False alarm yet still horrid. When is this gonna stop?! GUN CONTROL NOW and plain outlaw assault rifles
— michael john dimkich (@michaeljdimkich) January 10, 2013
Another school shooting? Yes, let's keep doing absolutely nothing about gun control. #Taft
— Alex Wickline (@WicklineAlex) January 10, 2013
Can we talk about gun control yet? Apparently not, since there's been yet another school shooting. #Taft
— Aura Bogado (@aurabogado) January 10, 2013
Reports: the Taft shooter made previous threats. How were guns accessible to him? If you think gun control is a dirty word, please wake up.
— J. Kitch (@MsJenKitch) January 10, 2013
The gunman in this case, used a shotgun. Not a semi-automatic pistol or an AR-15 with a 30-round magazine, but a shotgun.
Now think about that. Even if we all agree to these proposed draconian gun laws banning "assault rifles", high-capacity magazines, semi-auto handguns, ravamping background checks, and outright confiscation of such items; there still is the matter of the tens of millions of shotguns residing in a vast number of American homes.
Not only that, but revolvers, bolt-action rifles, lever-action rifles, not to mention knives and dangerous combinations of household chemicals.
The only way to prevent lunatics intent on acquiring guns, is mass-confiscation. Which not only is blatantly unconstitutional, but let's be honest, would be a cure more deadly than the disease.
I don't know about you, but I wouldn't particulary care to hand over any firearms I enjoy and spent good money on, nor am I going to let the police trash my house without good reason.