More like slow news week. I'm a bit tired of writing about Romney's confusion/flip flopping on the Obamatax (it's not a big deal despite what the media says), so in no particular order here's some stuff I found:
Cracked: the 5 most absurdly expensive online gaming items.
Stossel: Giving your cash to homeless isn't a great idea.
The Oatmeal: How movie theaters should be laid out. And an update on his charity fundraising after the whole Charles Carreon thing.
Breitbart: Health savings accounts apparently not in vogue; 5 million stand to lose their insurance.
Gateway Pundit: Crying lady at Obama campaign stop was a plant.
Legal Insurrection: Aaron Walker beats Brett Kimberlin in court today.
Weasel Zippers: Occupy Oakland stays classy.
Riehl World View: What's really going on with Jesse Jackson, Jr?